I got your attention with that title, didn't I? Perfect! Now keep reading please! Today I want to talk
about something most people do on a daily basis. NO, I’m not talking about
brushing your teeth or wrestling an alligator, I’m talking about driving. Yes,
driving. Now, I know that there are far more interesting things to talk about,
but just hear me out on this one.
I work in Downtown
Dallas but live about 40 miles away. There’s always traffic, so I spend a
considerable amount of time in my car. Because of this, I’ve started to notice
how horrible people are at driving and how clueless and unaware everyone is.
There are some moments where my mind is blown at the amount of stupidity on the
roads, and frankly it’s terrifying and frustrating. With that being said, I
know you’re all deeply concerned now that I’ve pointed this out, right? Well,
have no fear because I’ve found the solution. Thanks to all the hours I’ve
spent in the car, I was able to come up with a few tips and tricks for all
drivers everywhere to use. Please, do us all a favor and check it out. Then
pass it on to someone else. It’s just like a cold, only this is way better.
– Take your foot off the brake AND off the accelerator. Think about it,
you use your brake to stop and your accelerator to go. What do you do when you
want to slow down? You take your foot off both and you coast. I want you
to think about what you do when you’re driving on the freeway and you see
drivers ahead are kind of tapping on their brakes. What do you do? You start
tapping your breaks too. Don’t lie, I know you do. EVERYONE does. And then
everything gets backed up and we’re all tapping our brakes wondering “where’s
the wreck we’re all stopping for?!” So here’s the cool thing, if you’d just
take your foot off all controls and let the car coast a little, it’d keep
things running a little more smoothly. When I see someone slam on their brakes
for no reason, I automatically assume they are stupid and don’t understand the
concept of smart driving. Don’t be one of those dummies, PLEASE!
– Please don’t drive on my back bumper. It’s rude. If for some reason I
HAVE to slam on my brakes, you’re coming through my back window and I don’t
want that. So please, back up off this. That’s great you’re super excited to
get to your Grandma’s party or you’re in a rush to empty your bowels but I
don’t care. Riding on my car butt is not going to get you any closer to your
destination any faster.
– The art of the “thank you” wave. Have you ever given someone a gift or
did someone a favor and they didn’t say thank you? It pretty much ruins that
warm fuzzy you just had for being so nice, right? That’s exactly what happens
when I give someone the gift of merging in front of me and they don’t give me
the thank you wave. I need a thank you wave. I need you to
recognize my kindness. I was talking to a friend that’s not from Texas and I
was bragging about how nice the drivers are here, that we’re the best at giving
thank you waves. He completely disagreed and said that he rarely got a wave. So
I decided to do an experiment. I let people in and let pedestrians cross, I
wanted to prove to my friend that Texans are the perfect thank you wavers. But
I was so wrong. Now I notice it all the time and it makes me so ashamed of my
people, which shouldn’t ever happen. EVER! I’ve especially noticed younger
drivers are the worst offenders. That’s great you think you’re hot and young,
but throw me a thank you wave before I throw you my fist. Not really, but
– Oh, you’re welcome! Some of you are probably thinking “I already give
thank you waves, but I never get them!” I feel your pain. Want to know
how to make it better? Give a “you’re welcome” wave. It’s incredible how much
it shames people and forces them to give a wave back. They look like the jerk
and you look like the angel you really are. It’s a win-win! You just have to
teach people how to treat you, it’s as simple as that.
– No, you aren’t the only one on the road. This one is simple and pretty
much encompasses all the rules above. Just be nice, be aware, and be courteous.
While we’d all like to think the world revolves around us, it actually doesn’t.
So hang up the phone, get off my back, and be a better driver. I understand
you’re in a rush to get home to shave your beard or empty the dishwasher, but
so is everyone else. We are all busy and we all have things to do. But when
someone starts acting like their life is more important than others, traffic
happens and people start hating each other. Don’t be the cause of traffic.
Know that these are simply rules and guidelines. Don’t try
to blame me for any accidents or mishaps. You’re the driver and you know what’s
right and what’s wrong. Now let’s unite as drivers and stop the madness! Use
this great knowledge to go forth and conquer!!!