Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This post is super late, but still AWESOME! 

Ok readers this post is delayed by a few weeks, so I apologize.  Nevertheless, it’s still a good post, so read on!

Busy but fun week!  I spent a lot of time at work, training kiddos and showing them the ropes of my trade, very exciting.  But even more exciting than that is the weekend I had with some of the people I love most.  So here it goes:

One of the things I love the most about being home is participating in some good ol' Vanderpool family traditions.  While I do love bowling on Thanksgiving, finding hidden gifts on Christmas, and showing up six hours early for any given Rangers game, there is one that is often forgotten, mostly because it's pretty random and up until this point hasn't been considered an official Vanderpool family pastime, but today I am changing that. What is this greatness to which I am adding to the noble traditions of the Vanderpool clan?  A little event held in Canton, Texas referred to as “First Mondays,” or what the seasoned vets (such as myself) simply call “Canton,” as in “oh hey, we’re going to Canton to find a petrified dinosaur egg, or random yard art, care to join us?” The easiest way to describe this place is like a flea market, but on some serious steroids.  Think of it like this, take a typical flea market, add a butt load of awesome junk, people without teeth, illegally sold exotic animals, and deep-fried anything, and you’ve got Canton.  In the summer it’s extra exciting, because people feel like it’s appropriate to wear a tube top while eating a giant turkey leg.  Although this wasn’t the experience this weekend, we still had fun.  The three of us-Mom, Veronica, and myself- enjoyed a great shopping trip, and we all walked away with some great purchases. I got some candles, two much needed (and adorable!) aprons, and a set of long horns that I’ve been meaning to add to my collection of awesome Texas paraphernalia for many years.  It is because of these trips to Canton that I am able to continue my addiction to strange knick-knacks, funnel cakes, and unnecessary but totally legitimate things to stuff inside my house.

I apologize for the lack of visual stimulation, a.k.a. pictures, but as y'all can tell by my late posting, I've gotten a bit lazy lately.  That will change, I promise.  But for now, that's all I have to say about that! 


  1. Fun blog, Ali! I have never been to Canton! I ALWAYS hear amazing things about it. Need to get my mama and sisters to go with me sometime.

    1. Yes you HAVE to go! We should all go sometime! That'd be WAY fun!
