Sunday, August 19, 2012

Musings of an "old" person

Ok Ok, I sincerely apologize for my lack of updating this blog.  I know the people that are kind enough to read my stuff have been waiting for me to post, so here it goes, enjoy!

I haven’t been able to write as much, because I have this new thing called a job - a real life, “grown up” job.  The kind where I wear real clothes-not a uniform or my favorite sweat pants-,  have my own business cards, and wake up at the crack of dawn to sit in traffic with everyone else in the DFW metroplex.   I really do enjoy this new phase of life, it’s been fun and interesting and I’m excited to see where this next phase of life will take me.

So, the other day at work, I overheard a conversation between two of my co-workers.  They were talking about going shopping and how it’s changed since they were teenagers.  Speaking of one particular store, my one co-worker observed:  “…the music was so loud and everyone looked so sad.  I mean, is that the cool thing now? Being there made me realize, that maybe I’m just too old.”  I laughed when I heard this, mostly because I knew exactly what she was talking about.  I then realized that I was just too old too. Now, I’m not implying anything negative here. I think that most humans have a moment like this; a sudden realization that they are no longer 18. One of the most interesting parts of this pivotal moment in one’s life is not necessarily that they ARE old, it’s that younger people SEE them as old.  I think that’s the most devastating part, but also the most humorous.  Yes kids, I do go to bed at 9:30, and yes, I like it very much! So, in the spirit of these thoughts, I’ve compiled a list of things that I think might qualify me as an older folk, or what I like to call a “grown up”
Indicators that I might not be as young as I thought I was:

1.     Things are a lot louder than I remember them being.  You ever hear that saying “if it’s too loud you’re too old”?, well I get what that means now.  I echo the thoughts of my co-worker, and more often than I’d like to admit I think to myself “geez turn that crap down, it’s too loud and I can’t think”.  Yep, I’m getting old.

2.     Summertime? What does that even mean?  Well, where I work, it means you can wear jeans.  Wear jeans, but still get yourself to work.  It’s quite a concept to wrap my mind around, that “summer break” is no longer a thing.  I’m ok with it though when I get my paycheck.  But does that make me old? Yeah…probably.

3.     What is up with the outfits I’ve seen lately?  Especially on these girls.  I mean, WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!  In my family, we like to call them “junderwear” – slang for jean underwear - but apparently they’re just called “shorts” to that younger crowd that wears them.

4.     YOLO? Really? That’s annoying.  Come on kids, come up with something cooler and maybe more sophisticated?  I echo the words of Jack Black, “I’m fairly certain YOLO is just Carpe Diem for stupid people.” Does it make me at least a little young that I know what YOLO means AND I quoted Jack Black?  Eh…probably not.

5.     I’m pretty sure that every parent has said at least once to their children, “wake up, you’re wasting the day”.  I used to get so irritated when people would say that. I would always think, “geez, sleeping is NOT a waste of a day.”  But sadly, I must admit that I get this parental philosophy now.  If I wake up anytime after 8:30, I feel like a total bum, like the rest of the day is totally shot.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the amount I get done in a day is directly related to how early I wake up. 

What is happening to me?!  Before I know it, I’ll be confused by the latest technology and be asking questions like “what’s a Bieber?”.  Oh well, there are major benefits to this old person thing. But I’ll get to all that next time!

 Stay classy my readers!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 6. I look forward more to getting clothes or investments for Christmas than toys.

    7. I listen to more talk radio than I do actual music radio. Then again, it was on talk radio that I first heard "YOLO", and I was like "WHAT?" You only live once...

    8. Once 9 p.m. hits, I start to hesitate when it comes to getting a snack. I mean, how's this gonna affect my girlish figure?

    9. NCIS. Every episode. Nuff said.
